Please read this before filling out the survey

The Student Learning Commons invites you to request writing and learning workshops for your class, group, or program. Requests that cover a variety of topics may be accommodated through several discrete resources, rather than one coherent workshop. Thank you for your understanding. We encourage you to make your request as far in advance as possible to help ensure SLC staff can accommodate you.

The information on this survey is collected under the authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468, s. 27(4)(a)). It is related directly to and needed by the University for services provided by the Library. The information will be used to maintain a record of workshop requests. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact Gwen Bird, University Librarian and Dean of Libraries, at 778-782-3265 or

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* 1. Contact info

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* 2. Course name, number, and section (for ex, CMNS 100 D100), or the name of your group.

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* 3. Would you like this workshop to be on-campus or remote/virtual?

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* 4. If remote/virtual, which platform are you using for remote instruction in your course?

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* 5. If on campus, please indicate the campus, building, and room number.

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* 6. What topic(s) would you like covered in this workshop? (ex. time management, study strategies, effective argumentation, writing a research paper,  English language learning/support, etc.)

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* 7. How long would you like the workshop to be? (ex. 1 hour)

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* 8. Would you like to request synchronous (live teaching) or asynchronous (ex. videos, voice-over-powerpoint lectures, etc.) support for your course?

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* 9. If relevant, when do you need the asynchronous materials delivered by?


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* 10. If requested, what is your FIRST CHOICE of Month/Day/Time(s) for the live session?


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* 11. We will do our best to accommodate your first choice, but just in case, what is your SECOND CHOICE of Month/Day/Time(s) for the live session?


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* 12. How many students are enrolled in this class or section? If this is a group, how many do you expect?

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* 13. Would you like to meet with the SLC team in advance of the workshop (to provide teaching notes, additional materials, context, etc.)

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* 14. Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your workshop request?