Exploring the Experiences of Women Coaching in Saskatchewan |
Consent form for participants
We would like to ask for your assistance with a project that is being jointly carried out by SaskSport and the College of Kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan. This project aims to examine the experiences of women who coach or who have coached sports in Saskatchewan. We anticipate that this evidence-based information could be used to guide and assist sport organizations as we seek to promote women coaching in Saskatchewan. By understanding the experiences of women who coach in Saskatchewan, we can better inform sporting contexts to be inclusive and supportive for women.
Various past and present coaches all across Saskatchewan will be involved in this study in effort to survey a variety of people from diverse backgrounds. By being involved in this study, your insight and experiences as a women coach can help shape the future of women in coaching roles within Saskatchewan.
The project will involve completion of a one-time, online survey. The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes and will ask questions regarding demographic information, experiences as a coach, and future recommendations to improve the experience for women coaches. At the end of the survey, you will have the option to indicate whether or not you would be open to being contacted for an interview follow-up. This is not part of the original study and indicating “no” to a follow-up does not affect your results in the present study.
Survey Monkey is an internet software that will administer the online survey. Before access to the online survey, participant consent will be required. The online survey begins with a few questions regarding demographic data. The rest of the survey includes questions related to past experiences as a women coach, and future recommendations to aid support for women in coaching.
There is minimal risk in completing the survey. While the questions are purposed to seek out past experiences and current beliefs surrounding coaching, some might experience mild stress in recalling past experiences, given they were unpleasant.
Only a study number will be associated with your survey responses. All information will be considered confidential and grouped with data from other participants, and thus your answers will never be singled out nor will names be associated with the answers. At the end of the survey, you are able to follow a link to a different software site (Google Forms) where you can enter your preferred contact information if you approve of being contacted for a potential follow up interview or focus group. Your contact information will not be associated with survey answers.
Access to all data will be restricted to the Principal and Sub-Investigators. All data will be kept in an encrypted and secured online cabinet within the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Kinesiology. The research team will assume responsibility for data storage for five years upon completion of the study, then the files will be deleted.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you wish, you may decline to participate in this study, without any repercussion. Once answers have been submitted, it is no longer possible to withdraw from the study.
The aggregate results from this project will be made available to the researchers. The grouped results may also appear in printed or published reports such as journal articles and may also be presented at conferences. Further, participants may contact the principle investigators if they wish to receive a summary of the findings.
We would like to ask for your assistance with a project that is being jointly carried out by SaskSport and the College of Kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan. This project aims to examine the experiences of women who coach or who have coached sports in Saskatchewan. We anticipate that this evidence-based information could be used to guide and assist sport organizations as we seek to promote women coaching in Saskatchewan. By understanding the experiences of women who coach in Saskatchewan, we can better inform sporting contexts to be inclusive and supportive for women.
Various past and present coaches all across Saskatchewan will be involved in this study in effort to survey a variety of people from diverse backgrounds. By being involved in this study, your insight and experiences as a women coach can help shape the future of women in coaching roles within Saskatchewan.
The project will involve completion of a one-time, online survey. The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes and will ask questions regarding demographic information, experiences as a coach, and future recommendations to improve the experience for women coaches. At the end of the survey, you will have the option to indicate whether or not you would be open to being contacted for an interview follow-up. This is not part of the original study and indicating “no” to a follow-up does not affect your results in the present study.
Survey Monkey is an internet software that will administer the online survey. Before access to the online survey, participant consent will be required. The online survey begins with a few questions regarding demographic data. The rest of the survey includes questions related to past experiences as a women coach, and future recommendations to aid support for women in coaching.
There is minimal risk in completing the survey. While the questions are purposed to seek out past experiences and current beliefs surrounding coaching, some might experience mild stress in recalling past experiences, given they were unpleasant.
Only a study number will be associated with your survey responses. All information will be considered confidential and grouped with data from other participants, and thus your answers will never be singled out nor will names be associated with the answers. At the end of the survey, you are able to follow a link to a different software site (Google Forms) where you can enter your preferred contact information if you approve of being contacted for a potential follow up interview or focus group. Your contact information will not be associated with survey answers.
Access to all data will be restricted to the Principal and Sub-Investigators. All data will be kept in an encrypted and secured online cabinet within the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Kinesiology. The research team will assume responsibility for data storage for five years upon completion of the study, then the files will be deleted.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you wish, you may decline to participate in this study, without any repercussion. Once answers have been submitted, it is no longer possible to withdraw from the study.
The aggregate results from this project will be made available to the researchers. The grouped results may also appear in printed or published reports such as journal articles and may also be presented at conferences. Further, participants may contact the principle investigators if they wish to receive a summary of the findings.