This Community of Practice (CoP) registration form is intended for social prescribing practitioners who are actively involved in the implementation and delivery of social prescribing services across Canada. By joining this CoP, registrants will engage with fellow practitioners to share insights, exchange best practices, and collaborate on overcoming challenges. The community aims to foster professional development, enhance expertise, and support ongoing learning and innovation in the implementation of social prescribing.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Geography (Organization/Site)

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* 3. Which best describes your role in social prescribing?

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* 4. Please describe briefly your social prescribing initiative, project, and/or collaboration (~ 100 words)

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* 5. Please rank your how important the following aspects of a CoP are to you

  Not important Somewhat important Very important
Discuss challenges and solutions
Knowledge sharing
Access to resources/tools
Collaboration on local projects
Collaboration on national projects
Networking and community building
Professional Development
Opportunities to share my SP work
Opportunities for leadership

Question Title

* 6. Please share any additional comments