Question Title

* 1. Date


Question Title

* 2. Personal Information

Question Title

* 3. What age range do you think you can convincingly play? (e.g. early 20s - mid 30s)

Question Title

* 4. Please upload a recent selfie / photo of yourself (we do not need headshots, just make sure it looks like you on a regular day)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 5. Are you a UVic employee?

Question Title

* 6. Do you have any dietary restrictions or allergies?

The following questions are for identification and casting consideration. We need as much information as possible to ensure we are casting appropriately.

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following describes your present gender identity?:

Question Title

* 8. My assigned sex at birth was:

Question Title

* 9. My pronouns are:

Question Title

* 10. Do you consider yourself to be part of any of the following communities / groups?

Question Title

* 11. What is your cultural background (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 12. What race would you identify yourself as? Check all that apply

Question Title

* 13. In order to help us match you with a patient case, please provide us with the following information:

Question Title

* 14. List any distinguishable medical findings that you may have, such as a heart murmur, any surgical scars or benign conditions (e.g. psoriasis or eczema), diabetes, arthritis, chronic pains:

Question Title

* 15. Are there any accessibility needs or requests that you would like to share?:

The following questions will help us identify your suitability (experience, availability, any conflicts of interest) for the SP Program

Question Title

* 16. How did you find out about the Standardized Patient Program? Please be specific:

Question Title

* 17. Why are you interested in participating in the Standardized Patient Program?

Question Title

* 18. Have you worked as a Standardized Patient before?

Question Title

* 19. Do you have any experience acting, teaching, coaching, or public speaking

Question Title

* 20. Are you or any friends/family studying medicine or pre-med at IMP or elsewhere?

Question Title

* 21. Do you plan to pursue a career in any of the following health professions (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 22. Is your availability flexible with notice?

Question Title

* 23. Our program sessions and exams (where you would be performing as a Standardized Patient) take place on weekday afternoons and six Saturdays/year from 7:30am - 3:30pm. Do you have any availability conflicts within this schedule?

Question Title

* 24. Our training sessions occur on weekdays, and depending on availability we may hold trainings that run until approximately 7pm on weekdays or the occasional weekend day. Are you available for evening and occasional weekend trainings (2hrs max)

Question Title

* 25. When would you usually be available to train?

  Morning Midday Afternoon Early Evening

Question Title

* 26. Are you willing to participate as an SP for a physical exam? This may be an exam of extremities such as neck, shoulder, back, knee, legs, ankle, abdomen (i.e. stomach), or chest (i.e. listening to your heart or lungs). You would be appropriately gowned or dressed, and there would always be another individual present during the exam. There are no sensitive exams (eg. genitalia).

Question Title

* 27. Do you have any other comments or information that you feel would be helpful to your application?

Certain medical histories can have a direct impact on a student’s ability to assess our Standardized Patient cases successfully (e.g. an undisclosed appendix removal scar). By checking this box, you agree that you have done your best to disclose any/all relevant medical information. All disclosed information will remain confidential

Question Title

* 28. I agree to keep IMP updated on my medical information.

Question Title

* 29. Personal information (“Information”) provided on this application form is collected pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c.165. The Information will be used for the purposes of administering the Standardized Patient Program within the Island Medical Program (IMP) at the University of Victoria (UVic). I have read and understand the above. I consent to the use of my Information as outlined above for the duration that I am involved with the IMP Standardized Patient Program at UVic.

IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 19, AUTHORIZATION BY YOUR PARENT AND/OR LEGAL GUARDIAN IS REQUIRED.  This form will need to be printed and signed by parent/legal guardian and then scanned to or faxed to the Island Medical Program: ATTN Patient Programs at Fax # 250-519-1549. Alternatively, you can request a fillable PDF by emailing

Question Title

This information will be used for the purposes of administering the Standardized Patient Program within UBC's Island Medical Program at UVic. Information will be shared with relevant departments on a need to know basis. If you have any questions regarding collection of information, please contact:
Nooreen Shah-Preusser
Clinical Patient Recruiter & Trainer
Island Medical Program
Royal Jubilee Hospital – Coronation Annex (Room 106)
1952 Bay Street, Victoria, B.C., V8R 1J8
Tel: 250 519 7700 Ext 13426
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100% of survey complete.