Co-Curricular Credit Reflection Form

SFU students who access Student Learning Commons (SLC) workshops (live or recorded) can fill in this reflection form to receive Co-Curricular Record (CCR) recognition. This form indicates you participated in the SLC workshop, whether live or through a recording.

Note: Students must attend an entire workshop, or watch the entire workshop recording, to be eligible to use this form. Students cannot receive CCR credits for a workshop if the workshop is already being used to receive academic credit in a course (including, for example, if you received bonus marks in a course for participating in or viewing a workshop).

Your information will be kept confidential and will only be used towards your CCR credit submission.

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* 1. What are your first and middle names (if you have middle names) as they appear on your student card?

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* 2. What is your last name, as it appears on your student card?

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* 3. What is your student ID number?

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* 4. What is your student SFU email?

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* 5. Which workshop did you attend?

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* 6. Workshop date


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* 7. Was this a live workshop or a workshop recording?

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* 8. What was your learning goal that led you to this workshop/workshop recording?

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* 9. What are three things you learned in this workshop/workshop recording?

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* 10. What is the next, specific step that you will take as a result of this workshop/workshop recording?

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* 11. When will you take that step?

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* 12. Any other comments or feedback including on the workshop content, facilitation, medium, etc.?
We appreciate your feedback and use it to improve our workshop offerings. Thank you!

This information is collected under the authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468, s. 27(4)(a)) and in accordance to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (R.S.B.C), c. 165, s. 26(c). It is related directly to and needed by the University for services provided by Student Services. The information will be used to maintain a record of Co-Curricular (CCR) credits after having attended Student Learning Commons workshop(s) or watched workshop recording(s). If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact Donna McGee Thompson, Head, Student Learning Commons, at 778.782.3294 or